Bladder, bowel and sexual disorders: cultural and religious aspects in urology
Important points
know your patients
All patients have a different starting point. A correct assessment can therefore make a lot easier.
respect your patients
Culture, values and background are not only important in communication, but should also be respected by the doctor.
Depending on the patient, different types of communication must be used and this has a direct impact on the treatment.
Bladder dysfunction can occur in all population groups. Above all, Muslim women with a migration background have an increased risk of incontinence (e.g. due to multiple births). Caring for this specific group of patients can be a major challenge for the treating physician. Around 700,000 Muslims live in Austria, which is 8% of the Austrian population.
Only a few sufferers know that there are very good treatment options. In addition to language difficulties, religious or cultural customs can influence successful treatment and care and even prevent these people from seeking medical help at all. This applies in particular to diseases of the intimate area, such as B. Urinary incontinence.
Many of those affected are insecure and need specific information as well as help and solutions that are adapted to their lifestyle. It is important for medical professionals to have religious and culturally sensitive knowledge about the specific needs of these patients in order to be able to provide them with the best possible care.
Appropriate measures and strategies are used to reach and inform the affected Muslims on the one hand and to instruct the specialist staff accordingly on the other. In this way, patients from other cultures in our country can also benefit from medical advances.